There will be no training the week of March 6th

Maximize your off-season.
Looking to develop your basketball skill set during the off-season, come join the Peak Elite Hoops! Recognized as one of the nation's finest for youth development, the powerhouse Lone Peak Basketball youth development program now features specialized skills training, 8-10 hours per month.
Trainers break down the nuances of the game while employing basketball drills & how to transfer them into a game setting. Sessions cater to the appropriate skill level.
When we have sufficient players to form a team, we will hold official practices and join a league.
Skill development provided by ex-college and professional basketball players.
Innovative ball-handling skills; become proficient with either hand.
Game-specific ball-handling and shooting drills.
Develop Post player footwork.
Game speed passing drills.
Change of speed change of direction guard development.
Learn new advanced skills and to defend at a higher level.